In our privacy policy, we explain what information Valens Lighting collects when you visit Valens Lighting services, and how we can use or share this information. In this policy, we only describe our own practices; therefore, although we do our best to protect your data, including other companies that you may interact with through or through Valens Lighting services, this policy applies to third parties that we do not own or control, other than the companies with which we share your information, in order to perform Valens Lighting services. not valid.


Summary: We collect information in three ways:

  •     Information you provide
  •     Information we collect automatically
  •     Information we collect from third parties

How do we collect information?

  •     Information you provide
  •     Cookies and related technologies
  •     Analytics firms and interest-based ads

How do we use and share information?

  •     Use of information
  •     Sharing information
  •     Legal basis

Third party and website services...
A) Information You Provide

Summary: We collect information that you choose to provide or that you provide to us in some way. When we ask you for information, you do not have to share your information; however, if you refuse to provide the requested information, you may not be able to access some Valens Lighting services or take full advantage of their functions.

We collect the information you provide to use Valens Lighting services or otherwise provide while using the services, for example:

  •     Your e-mail address, date of birth and similar contact information;
  •     Your username, password and other information that helps us to provide you with access to Valens Lighting services (for example, our websites) and to secure this access;
  •     Your preferences, interests, and general demographic information (for example, your hobbies or other information you share, such as when answering a survey);
  •     Your identity information and photo (for security reasons) if you provide it to us.

B) Information We Collect Automatically

Abstract: We automatically collect some information about how you interact with Valens Lighting services and how you navigate through Valens Lighting services, as well as the device and software you use while doing these.

The most common examples of automatically collected information are:

    How you use Valens Lighting services (for example, clicks, scrolling, browsing times, searches, referral/exit pages and in-service activities and interactions);
    Your computer or device (IP addresses, unique device IDs, processing capabilities, manufacturer and model, language and other regional settings, geographic location and screen resolution, and similar settings);
    Your connection to Valens Lighting services; network and software information you use (such as browser type and version, operating system name and version, internet service provider, and your preference settings, if any);
    How is the performance of Valens Lighting services; problems you may encounter (such as installation errors and problems with our applications)

Sometimes, we may obtain information from third parties to use with the information we collect. For example, if you make a connection between your Facebook account and your Valens Lighting services account, Facebook may share information with us according to its own privacy policy and the privacy settings you choose on Facebook.
C) Information We Collect from Third Parties

Summary: Sometimes we may obtain information from third parties to use with the information we collect. For example, if you make a connection between your Facebook account and your Valens Lighting services account, Facebook may share information with us according to its own privacy policy and the privacy settings you choose on Facebook.

We may collect information from third parties to supplement the information you provide and the information we collect automatically. For example:

    We collect advertising and analytical information from third parties in order to assist our marketing activities, to improve our Valens Lighting services and to better manage our advertising campaigns (for example, to show more personalized ads and to measure how effective they are). To learn more about these companies, you should check their websites. Services we use frequently:

  •         Google and its ancillary services
  •         Yandex and its assistant services
  •         Facebook and its ancillary services
  •         Twitter and its ancillary services
  •         Platforms (portals) where you see our ads
  • and its ancillary services
  •         Smartlook

    We collect information from third parties to help us identify where you use Valens Lighting services (for example, we determine your approximate location based on your IP address). In this way, for example, we can customize a service you use (such as determining the language of Valens Lighting services). It can prevent fraud or abuse of Valens Lighting services (such as detecting suspicious transactions or activities).
    If you download Valens Lighting services (such as Valens Lighting mobile application) to your mobile device, we also receive information from third party platforms (such as iTunes or Google Play). This information may include technical details (such as device ID) and information that you have downloaded one of our applications.